Hello again. On 5/30/2019 I revealed my latest book project, The Hidden Nazi, The Untold Story America's Deal With The Devil.
I won't go into detail here, but if you're interested in learning a little more about the book, please see my last posting.
In the meantime, grab your favorite beverage and find free moment. It'll be a brief moment, but one that should create a chilling vibe of our story coming this Fall. My colleagues and I are hoping you'll find the story a powerful and revealing story about a very dark secret of World War II. In some ways, it can arguably be the biggest.
Our story will intrigue you. Fascinate you. In short, it's an amazing story about one evil bastard during a very dark time in history. And though it's been many years since the end of World War II, it is hard to believe a story this big could have remained secret for this long.
The Hidden Nazi Book Trailer