Monday, May 30, 2011

The Garage

Several times during the course of filming this documentary, 2007 -2010, I received telephone calls from Ol' Hole Heels (OHH), letting me know the boys were getting together for a impromptu practice. I couldn't miss those, as they were usually full of surprises, both musically and otherwise. Since OHH had warned me about such happenings, it was important my gear was ready. To hone reaction time, I kept my camera sitting by the door, packed and loaded with fresh batteries. Having practiced the drill in advance, my time from house to car was 48 seconds. I was always trying to reach 45 seconds, but that was never achieved.

On this particular occasion (summer of 2009), I received OHH's alert. It was mid afternoon. The boys were on their way to practice. I arrived in the scene, beating them there by a good five minutes. OHH was there preparing for their arrival. Being a n excellent sound engineer, OHH busied himself setting up mics, adjusting their levels, and fine tuning the PA System's mixing board. He even restrung and tuned Andy and Dennis's guitars. An equally important task that OHH had completed was the preparation of snacks, a serious issue, as described in my last posting. Offering me a glass of grape cool-aid (the boy's favorite drink) we enjoyed a moment of quiet before they arrived and thundered the countryside.

Now, from 1984 on, the boy's had a few places to practice. They'd switch between an old tool shed and small warehouse (part of Andy's father's business), but their favorite, and eventually their primary location from 1990 on, was known as "The Garage". Well, it was a garage. But it was special. Located on one of OHH's many properties, "The Garage" is attached to his summer home. Housing a state-of-art recording equipment, this facility has seen much action. In addition to recording an amazing catalog of songs, over the years it has become somewhat of a magical place and the boys love it there, often using it to just hang out. The vibe of the place seems responsible for sparking fits of frenzy and creative genius. It was here where OHH has taught the band some of their signature stage moves.

This practice session was one of those special times. With an endless supply of grape cool-aid, popcorn, potato chips, and no-bake cookies, the boys were charged up. The room pulsated with excitement. Giddy with enthusiasm, the boys were on fire. I got to experience a phenomenon OHH had told me about. While playing, often they stopped in the middle of a song so they could laugh. No particular reason. Just laugh. As if their musical instruments were tickling them. I was fortunate enough to capture this on tape. What you see in the following video represents a composite of approximately seven takes of their song "Forget It":

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Snack Tales

When I first started posting on this blog, I mentioned that OL' Hole Heels (OHH) approached me in 2006 to shoot two music videos and a documentary about the band he was managing, The Skeptics. Though his proposal sounded like a an interesting project, I was at first very reluctant. Since I knew next to nothing about the band, it seemed like a big time commitment. In fact, I wasn't looking to shoot a rock documentary and had only heard a couple of their songs through a friend, years after the band had departed the music scene and gone underground. OHH played me a cassette of the boy's music while we sat and talked about everything from dandelions to European fashion. Suddenly, I realized the music was great. Not only that, but there were many songs. Their catalog was huge. I was stunned by how many, but more so by how the songs resonated with me. Hearing all this great music helped warm me up to the project idea. Also helping to win me over was learning so much about OHH and his unique abilities and talents; one being his expertise on many obscure subjects. But more importantly, his pitch was mesmerizing. By evening's end, I was sold on his idea. For some reason, I felt akin to his ways. Don't know why, but I trusted my instincts, something we both had in common, and in hindsight, I'm certainly glad I did.

I'd like to share a story with you about the event that took place before my project with The Skeptics formally began. Before signing on to film the music videos or documentary, OHH said I must first pass an initiation of sorts. This was a test the boys requested using to determine if they were in-synch with me; something they needed to do, especially with someone they were about to give unlimited access to their lives and private archives.  Though my instincts indicated I should stay and follow through with their so-called "test", my brain said run! But I was curious and patiently listened to OHH as he further explained the need to abide by their wishes. Granted, it was somewhat of an odd request, but that night I found myself trusting OHH, and as time passed, my anxiety diminished and I began feeling that I was simply dealing with eccentricity. I was game.

OHH explained the boys were very fond of snacks. He said snacks were an essential part of their day to day affairs. Without them, nothing got done, no matter how important. Snacks were written into all contracts with the band, from recording scenarios to club venues. I laughed and asked OHH if this was some sort of joke. I had heard of big-time rock bands wanting certain colored M&Ms and exotic foods, but I thought that was done more for publicity stunts. He looked at me and said, "No, this is as serious as a possum on moonshine." I grinned. He didn't, so I kept asking questions. After about 90 minutes of intense conversation, including photoghraphs and a slide presntation, I was convinced OHH was telling the truth. There was no doubt in my mind his boys, The Skeptics, were quite fond of their snacks.  I agreed to honor their wish an carry out my task, "test", but it required one caveat: I get to film the event. OHH thought it over and decided it was good idea. He suggested that some of the footage might prove good enough for use in the documentary. He said if it turned out I was not the man for the job, I would hand over the tape and we'd go our separate ways.

On July 26, 2006, I met OHH at his Maryland office. I brought a cameraman with me. He asked to remain anonymous. When we arrived, OHH was already waiting outside. He jumped in the car and said he'd guide us to the location. We ended up on some desolate back road in Frederick County. OHH told me to pull the car over. He then handed me a map. Not sure what was occurring, my expression must have been funny, as OHH began to laugh. He said it was about a 30 minute walk and he'd meet us there. I asked why we had to walk? Why couldn't I just drive us there? He said the boys were adamant. They wanted the "test" as a way to evaluate how much I wanted to work with them. A few moments passed in silence. My cameraman and I exchanged glances. He and I had worked together for a long time. I saw the twinkle in his eye and knew he was thinking it might be fun. Besides, we both didn't sense any danger, other than OHH leaving us there as a practical joke designed for us to get back on our own. I had to make the call. Again, common sense told me I was making a mistake and I should call the whole thing off, but my instincts told me otherwise. Yes it was weird. It could prove risky in some ways. Nonetheless, my adventurous side won out. The "test" was a go.

We got out of the car and watched OHH drive away. Here I was standing on the side of the road, watching as my car disappeared in the distance, driven by someone I barely knew. And, I forgot to mention, I was carrying a cake. But worse yet, I was wearing a hat. It was OHH's, and part of the deal. This particular hat was his "good-luck" hat. He told me he had worn it during every critical band related negotiation or affair since 1985. He was entrusting it to me because he felt good about the project. So, giving in to his superstition, we stood on the side of the desolate road ready to move out. I had my map. I had a cake. And I donned the lucky hat of OHH. Without further delay, we were off on our adventure..."test". I could only laugh at myself. What was I doing?
Well, my "test" worked out. It was a blast. I met the boys for the first time that day and we immediately became fast friends. My willingness to take on the "test" proved my enthusiasm for the project. From then on, they knew it would all work out. And for the next three yeras, it certainly did. I found out much later, though, it was OHH who was putting me through the "test". The snack part was very real. OHH, as I soon learned, was an brilliant and effective barracuda of a manager who beats to a different drum. He was, and is, very protective of his boys. The "test" was just one of many unique ways of OHH that I learned to love. You'll continue to learn more about this remarkable man and his entrepreneurial spirit in posts to come.

The following video is of the "test", what I now fondly call, "The Initiation Journey". Unfortunately, once we arrived at the house, I was instructed to turn off the camera. There is no footage of  my first meeting with The Skeptics. The Skeptics' song, "Expanding and Contracting", though its words don't quite fit my "test", somehow felt right to use for this video. The footage of the boys playing was recorded at the Cultural Arts Center in Frederick, Maryland, during the summer of 2007, actually some of the first footage shot for the documentary.

The following short clip is only one of many occasions I experienced during  the boy's constant quest to locate snacks:

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Skeptics Go To Washington!

Thanks to Ol' Hole Heels's (OHH) tireless efforts, The Skeptics In A World Of Their Own will screen at the Second Annual World Music and International Film Festival in Washington D.C.:WMIFF , at the United States Navy Memorial's Arleigh and Roberta Burke Theater, located on Pennsylvania Avenue: The United States Navy Memorial . The festival runs from August 15th through August 19th. The date and time of the documentary's screening has not been posted. Once the festival makes an announcement, I will post the date and time of the documentary's screening.

This is a short video of last year's festivities and this year's submissions in all categories: 2011 Submissions

Here are this year's documentary selections: Documentary Entries

Go to the following link and vote for your favorite - hopefully, The Skeptics - documentary trailer: VOTE

OHH asked me to tell all he'd like to win the trailer competition, as he would like to use the win as bragging rights while on his upcoming "Carvin' and Whitlin'" tour this summer at select venues across Maryland, Virginia West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

The trailer was written and directed by OHH. I shot the footage at one of his favorite outdoor lecture locations. He wanted to keep the trailer simple. He and I agreed that in recent years, trailers have become a vehicle for too much information, many times spoiling surprise elements of a film, and in some cases actually being better than the film.

OHH and the boys won't be there for the festivities, but they definitely find it fun knowing the spirit of The Skeptics will be alive in Washington D.C. this summer. Hopefully, a few viewers will walk away with a smile, knowing they had heard and witnessed something special.  

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby

Friday, May 13, 2011

Encounter With Private Beauregard Pettigrew

Recently, I posted an entry about meeting two key staff members, Freaky Daddy and Jebediah Buzzard, who toured with The Skeptics during the 1980s. As mentioned, I wanted to include them in the documentary, but our schedules were out of synch, so I finally met up with them in the summer 2010. Ol' Hole Heels (OHH) was very instrumental in arranging our meeting, something I couldn't do without his assistance. While these interviews are most memorable, and discussions with them proved extremely interesting, I was unprepared for the next interview that OHH line up.

It all came about when OHH and I were discussing his knowledge of Maryland folklore. Having a long-time interest in the subject, I brought up the topic whenever possible. OHH was more than happy to discuss it with me. His knowledge of the subject is remarkable. Though he occasionally goes on speaking tours, he has yet to sit down and write a book. I'm still trying to convince him he needs to document and preserve  these stories for future generations, but as I prod him, his eyes glaze over. I'll keep trying.

Anyway, during one of our long chats around a camp fire (OHH loves campfires), OHH looked at me and asked if I wanted to meet someone truly special? I immediately said yes, not realizing who, or what, he was talking about. To my surprise, he said that this individual had something to do with The Skeptics. Asking him if it was another staff member, he said no. I looked up, waiting for him to continue. My marshmallow fell off my stick onto a hot rock. OHH watched it melt and sizzle.He chuckled to himself.

Finally, after a long pause, OHH said he could arrange a meeting with someone from the spirit world. I asked if he was talking about a ghost. Grinning, I was sure that when he looked up, I'd see that twinkle in his eye. But he was dead serious. Looking me in the eyes, he told me it wasn't his intention to ever set up such a meeting, but he was contacted to make the arrangements. OHH then launched into a story that I found very hard to believe. My skepticism was in high alert, but I couldn't rule it out, as OHH had never pulled a prank on me before. Knowing I was not quite buying his story, OHH said he could prove it to me. I asked how and he said that I would pick the time and location - anytime and anywhere I wanted - and we would go there together. To ensure no tricks were being played, OHH said that to ensure he was not playing a trick, I could arrive unannounced at his him when I was ready. He would then get in the car with me and I could drive us to my location without saying a word about where we were going. I was intrigued. I told him I'd take him up on his offer and with one condition. Before I could say anything, OHH assured me I could bring my camera.

After departing that day, I began formulating a plan. I felt sure that OHH had an accomplice who would follow us there and try to scare me as some big joke between them. Again, I knew that would be out of character for OHH, but nonetheless, I was taking precautions. There was always a first time for everything and OHH was preceded by his eccentricity.

It was Monday, August 23, 2010. I arrived at OHH's home around 6:30 A.M.  Knocking on the door, I looked around and saw no cars, only an old truck he used occasionally for supplies. He came to the door. It was apparent he had been awoken from a deep sleep. I told him to get dressed and that breakfast was on me. His eyes lit up. Looking at me, his spoke in a serious tone and said we were going to Cracker Barrel. I knew that was his favorite dining establishment and assured him that was no problem and I said that today we were meeting his ghost. Without pause, OHH got his hat and we were out the door.

We drove to a Cracker Barrel in Edgewood, Maryland and grabbed some chow. OHH was very pleased. Fueled by two pots of coffee and a good dozen flapjacks between us, we were back in the car and jumped on Interstate 95 to continue our journey. OHH never questioned me where we were going. I watched carefully in the rear view mirrors, even spontaneously stopping on back roads, to ensure we weren't being followed.

About an hour later we were at our destination. I had a friend who owned property in Delaware. He bought the property to build a house on at a later time. It was several acres of deep thick woods. No neighbors for miles. A stream ran through the property. We were in the middle of nowhere. I brought a couple chairs and we sat up on a bank near the stream. OHH pulled what looked like a dog whistle from his shirt pocket and blew into one end. I heard nothing. He said to relax and we'd not have long to wait.

My curiosity was piqued. I wondered what OHH had up his sleeve. The longer we sat there, I actually became more nervous. Then, about ten minutes later, I saw movement up ahead of us in the distance. I stood and strained to see through the trees. All I could see was the color blue, but couldn't quite tell what or who was approaching. I turned my camera on and waited. Seconds later, I heard a noise. It came from behind us. Quickly turning, I realized someone was standing nearby, very close to the stream. I glanced back to where I saw the color blue approaching, but saw nothing. Looking back around, I realized this person had on blue. It was a person. OHH broke the silence and said he'd like to introduce me to Private Beauregard. My camera was rolling. The following is what I filmed:

So, that was the last time I saw Private Beauregard Pettigrew. OHH and I departed. I was completely stumped, especially when I watch Private Beauregard walk away along the stream and basically disappear among the trees. Why didn't I touch him while I had a chance? I told OHH to hold my camera and raced after Private Beauregard. But he was gone. I could not understand how he outran me with all that gear he was carrying. I strained to listen for the clanging of his canteen, haversack, and all the other accoutrements, but heard nothing but running water. 

OHH and I packed up the car and departed the scene. I excitedly questioned OHH all the way home. He sat patiently listening to my spastic babble. How could anyone know where we were? OHH never left my side the whole morning. He didn't even have his cell phone on him because I asked him to leave it at home. I had mine.

Interestingly, a few months later, I learned that Private Beauregard Pettigrew was a real civil war soldier who allegedly died during the first battle of Bull Run in Manassas, Virginia. His grave has never been located. What is known about Pvt. Pettigrew death comes via a war diary now belonging to the family of a soldier who knew him. But there is something even more strange about this story. I met someone who looks like the person I saw near the stream that day. He a real guy named Bobby Madden, Jr., and he plays a character named Private Beauregard Pettigrew for the Monster Madhouse show that both Freaky Daddy and Jebediah Buzzard make appearances on. I was sure my puzzle was solved, but Bobby had a solid alibi. Yes, I checked up on him and learned where he worked. I won't go into those details, but my cover story allowed me to verify he was hours away during my encounter with the civil war soldier. You can see Bobby Madden, Jr. on Monster Madhouse .

OHH stands by his story. He completely understands my confusion, but tells me I'll eventually come around and realize what happened that morning was real. OHH gave me permission to use this footage for my blog, as he knew I had no way to prove anything. Despite my elaborate plan to set up the meeting, it appears I was either outsmarted by OHH and his cronies, or, well... all I know is something very weird occurred that day, and whatever or whomever I saw, was caught on film.

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jebediah Buzzard: The Skeptics' Rootworker

In this entry, I'd like to share my experience about meeting with one of the most important behind the scenes staff members that worked for The Skeptics during the 1980s..  As I mentioned in my May 5, 2011, entry, there were a couple people who I wanted to include in the documentary, but their schedules conflicted with mine and we were unable to meet. Fortunately, with the help of Ol' Hole Heels (OHH),  I was afforded the opportunity to eventually meet them and they agreed to make a statement for use in this blog.

As like the meeting with Freaky Daddy, my next encounter proved just as secretive. The date was August 15, 2010. I received a telephone call from OHH. He said I should get my camera and meet him at his office within the hour. He said that  Jebediah Buzzard was passing through the area and had a few moments to spare was willing to speak with me. The only thing I knew about Jebediah was he was instrumental in providing security for The Skeptics during their U.S. tours. OHH explained that Jebediah had become well known for his unique skills and was in high demand. OHH said it wasn't easy procuring Jebediah's services and THe Skeptics were very fortunate to have him on their staff, especially given the venues Freaky Daddy had procured for their tours. Having someone like Jebediah on-board was where OHH's rich background came in handy. They knew each other well. In fact, they had traveled together a few times while OHH was touring and giving lectures on Maryland folklore, another one of OHH's areas of expertise. Both OHH and Jebediah would pair up during a few summers and tour the Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia region.  Though Jebediah conducted much of his work in and around Arkansas, his friendship with OHH soon had him expanding his territory of operation. Jebediah has several homes and spends time in each location.

When I arrived at OHH's office, he rushed me back out the door and said we had little time to waste. Our destination was about an hour away. We would be heading towards western Maryland to a tract of land in a remote area. Arriving, we parked my car and proceeded on foot along a trail for another hour. We then came upon what appeared to be private property.  I couldn't see any building from where we were, but knew we were on someone's property because of a nearby fence.  OHH stopped us along side a path and said we would now wait.

About 30 minutes passed as we sat in silence. And then, I could hear the faint sound of an musical instrument. I stared in that direction as the sound grew near. It wasn't long before Jebediah appeared:

It should be noted that in recent years, Jebediah has become a regular on Moster Madhouse , a show based in Virginia that promotes monster films of yesteryear. He also hosts his own show Fright Time FunHouse .

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Skeptics' Documentary Screens In Harrisburg, PA.

I just received notification from Ol' Hole Heels (OHH) that The Skeptics In A World Of Their Own was selected for screening at the 13th Annual Artsfest Film Festival, in Harrisburg, PA., on Sunday, May 29, 2011. The documentary will be screened at 8:00 P.M., along with two short films by other filmmakers.

13th Annual Artsfest Film Festival

I'm sure the boys will be excited when they learn the news. OHH is definitely excited and most anxious for a new generation of Pennsylvanians to have a chance to see the documentary about a classic Maryland homegrown band.

OHH further informed me that he will already be in the area conducting his Carvin' and Whitlin' work shops, and if his schedule permits, he'll try to attend the festival screening and will be available afterwards for interview. If I learn he'll be there for sure, I'll post an update. I'm sure there are those who are very interested in meeting him and learning more about his legendary management skills during The Skeptics' heyday.

The Harrisburg Arts Council announcement:
 Harrisburg Arts Council

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Skeptics' Tour Manager

In 2006, after shooting a video to The Skeptics' song, "World Of Your Own", I was approached by The Skeptics' manager, Ol' Hole Heels (OHH), about doing a documentary about the band. I was reluctant. Although a fan of their music, I had only seen them play out twice, both times in 1989, with bass player Kevin Sefsic. The original bass player, Dennis Crolley, had by then left the band, but I did meet him at one rehearsal when he returned as bass player shortly before the band went underground in 1990. We met at lead singer/guitarist, Andy McCutcheon's parents home. All this came about because I was a good friend of Stephen Blickenstaff, the drummer. Stephen and I had made a few films together in the late 1980s. Though I had met Andy and Dennis, it was merely a handshake and brief exchange. I'm sure our meeting was quickly forgotten. So, in the summer of 2007, during our first day of shooting, I officially met them for the first time.

After giving OHH's proposal some thought, I felt compelled to take on the challenge. I knew it would be tough, as I did not know the band's history, nor was I connected or knew many of the band's fan base and friends. OHH told me, as I've mentioned in an earlier posting, that he would give me complete access to the band and their archives, along with a list of key and vital fans, family, and friends, who would be essential to interview. He further assured that he'd be there with me at every stage to help with any obstacles I encountered along the way. I quickly learned that OHH was my ace in the hole and things would go smoothly because it became quite apparent I was dealing with someone who was well connected and a force in his own right. Actually, as many know, he was already legend in Frederick, Maryland. I had no idea. But I quickly became confident the project would be easier than expected.

The following clip regards OHH mentioning the need of a tour manager, but was taken out of the documentary:

Moving on, the list OHH gave me of people to interview was fairly extensive. I immediately began to make telephone calls, introduce myself, and soon found most everyone was more than willing to allow me to film them for the documentary. Unfortunately, a couple key individuals were not available until after the film was shot. I explained it would be fun to get them to say a few words that I could eventually release in a blog. I was able to finally meet with them in the summer of 2010.

The first interview I filmed last summer was with Freaky Daddy, The Skeptics' Tour manager. He wasn't available during the filming of the documentary, due to being on tour with another band. It should be noted that in between tours, he is a regular on Monster Madhouse, an eclectic group of individuals in the Virginia area, who provide a very prominent show that promotes the fine genre of science fiction/monster films. Hosted by Karlos Borloff, the show is an outstanding achievement, but has not yet been fully recognized on the national level for its brilliance and dedication to promoting the fantastic monster films of Hollywood's yesteryears. For more information, please check out

Getting back to Freaky Daddy, he is somewhat of a recluse. While setting up tour dates for The Skeptics, the band members never saw or dealt with him. OHH was his only contact. Freaky Daddy and I met one afternoon in an undisclosed location. I was given instruction where to drive and park my car. From there, I was met by an individual, who blindfolded me, then drove us to a secret location. OHH had warned me I might encounter a strange situation before meeting Freaky Daddy, but he gave me his word all would be fine and to trust the situation. I did. The following scene is a result of that meeting:

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Skeptics' Fashion Sense

One of the things I learned during my extensive interviews with Ol' Hole Heels (OHH) was how much time and effort he put into cultivating a look for the boys. He told me that when he first discovered them, he was taken aback by their the lack of style. He felt they were completely out of touch with the day's fashion. In fact, he realized they were completely out of touch with fashion in general. That was his first impression, but he suspected with comprehensive lessons and a few field trips, he'd whip them into shape. But first, he needed to convince them they needed a manager and his guidance was needed. After just one meeting, the boys unanimously agreed OHH's expert management skills, connections to the music industry (that's another story), and just plain worldly experience were invaluable. By the end of 1984, OHH was their manager.

OHH said that the boys were a mess. He felt several months were needed to make a decent transformation, however, problems occurred early on, and it wasn't long before the boys didn't want his help. Though they appreciated the groundwork he had laid, they soon began ignoring his suggestions. OHH was only able to supply one comprehensive session on issues, such as clothing, accessories, hair styles, and make-up, before they explained that they really didn't need any further help in those areas. They told OHH that it was his musical skills that was most needed, so he really didn't have to worry about their look.

OHH explained to me that he understood them wanting to break out on their own, to reveal their individuality ans sens of style, but since they were so new to the scene, there were pitfalls and nuances that needed someone like him, who had amassed such a skill-set, to help them pull it off. He tried getting this across to them, explaining for instance that he was equipped to quickly assess the situation, such as what was more appropriate wear, how to look, and most importantly, how to act while performing at each venue. But the boys were adamant. They began ignoring his advice. This frustrated OHH, as he knew their inexperience was far greater than their enthusiasm. Even to this day, OHH acknowledges they have definitely made progress, but it was, and has been, an uphill battle. He's still convinced that they need refining.

In the documentary, I was going to include a segment about the band's fashion and style, but during an early progress screening of the film, an argument broke out among them. Since the fashion issues were still too sensitive, and in essence not necessary for the story, it was determined to discontinue further filming of this topic. Subsequently, the following short clip was removed from the film. It reveals some of OHH"s frustration about the boy's desire to do their own thing, despite many flaws he tried to explain still existed.

In this next clip we hear from Andy (another deleted scene), as he describes the band's fashion sense. It should be noted that OHH was not mentioned, but a future shot with the band members was planned and would have included their acknowledgement of OHH's expertise and influence on fashion and a host of other topics.

Get your copy of The Skeptics' documentary at FilmBaby:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Secret Meeting

In the Fall of 2009, I attended a secret meeting with The Skeptics. The boys were called together by Ol' Hole Heels (OHH) - the band's manager, for those of you new to this blog - to discuss their upcoming performance in conjunction with my documentary premiere during early 2010.

Much information regarding critical aspects of their style, writing techniques, and fashion sense were discussed that evening. After reviewing my footage, OHH deemed the subject matter discussed too sensitive for public consumption. He explained to me that it was due to his stringent control of the band's privacy that has kept them at the top of their game for the last twenty some years. According to OHH, critical band information in the hands of their competition would lead to losing their competitive edge. He had learned his lesson early on. During a 1985 show, the band was interviewed by the Frederick Post. In that interview their set strategy, of which included use of props and sophisticated dance moves, was revealed. An opening act utilized this information, forcing the boy's to quickly alter that night's performance, thus lessoning their show's impact on the crowd. This frustrated the boys and during one song, Dennis stopped playing his bass, sat down on the stage, and ate potato chips. Andy and Stephen quickly reacted and kept the song alive until Dennis rejoined them on the next song. OHH was not pleased. From that point on, all questions by the media went through him first.

The following very short clip was all OHH would allow me to post from the secret meeting. It does, however, provide fans with a rare behind the scenes look into their world. OHH said that when other information discussed that evening becomes antiquated, he will then consider releasing further footage.

For those wanting to learn more about this extraordinary band, check out the documentary, The Skeptics In A World Of Their Own. It can be found at Filmbaby.